Loves The Find: DIY Herb Gifts

Saturday, March 12, 2016

DIY Herb Gifts

This DIY herb gifts are just prefect!! Pick out your favorite herbs, a container of choice, and some adorable accessories and you have a fantastic gift for any occasion.

How adorable is this herb beer mug hostess gift for St. Patrick's Day?!?! Every year we get invited to a St. Patrick's Day party and they always have the most fabulous food...and the friends aren't that bad either :) So I thought why not contribute to their yummy Irish/Italian kitchen with some fresh basil as a hostess gift. The beer mug was a thrift store find and I thought why not incorporate the Irish drinking tradition to make this super fun for the holiday. Basil can be a little temperamental in a non-draining container, however don't overwater (about 1-2 times a week) and it should last to get a few wonderful recipes out of. Of course my favorite use of basil is the simple and delicious caprese salad. Yummy!

And this "Mint to Be" hostess gift is just precious. What a fabulous idea for new homeowners, engagement, wedding gift, or thank you gift. Of course the mason jar, tag and ribbon make this super pretty. Mint is a little more resilient than basil so the drainage isn't as big of a deal and should last longer and it smells so nice! I want a mojito right now!!

Of course these can be modified to fit any occasion by simply changing the coloring, ribbon and wording used. Have fun creating these DIY herb gifts!


  1. Super cute DIY!!! I am horrible at making things! But I am going to give DIY herbs a try! So many of my friends grow their own herbs and I am super jealous. You are so crafty!!!
